Nutec House Builders in Durban

The Most Economical Way to Build a Low-Maintenance Home, Studio, Cottage, Office, Shed, Pool House, Guard Hut and any other building addition you may need.

Exceptional value for money

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Building time is much shorter than a brick building

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Low maintenance and long lasting

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Standard and custom options available

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NutechSA Durban provides a high-quality build at a reasonable price. Though we take pride in not just providing the greatest materials and service, we also understand that your house is built to your specifications, not ours!!

Contact us today to make your Nutec home, office, classroom, wendy house or building extensions a reality.

What is Nutec made from?

Nutec is a fibre board made by combining cement and fibres, creating a durable, yet strong material that can be effectively used for building. The mixture is compressed and sheeted to create boards useful for cladding whereby replacing the traditional wooden boards used in Sheds and Wendy housing. The beaty in Nutec cladding is in its low maintenance and longevity. Nutec complies with the SABS standards and is used for cladding of outside buildings.

Benefits of Nutec for building.

Light weight

Fire and hail resistant


Has excellent thermal properties

Excellent load bearing capacity

Pest and rodent resistant

Available in plain or textured wood finish which can be painted with any outdoor wall paint

What can you build using Nutec?

Nutec is a versatile produce and can be added to existing structures. It is light in weight and is often used when adding additional levels to a building. When building a Wendy house or Shed, Nutec is applied to a timber frame that is treated ensuring that is lasts a lifetime with only minimal maintenance. Nutec is versatile and can be applied to various structures ranging from Wendy houses, cottages and pet kennels as well as large family home buildings.

Nutec House extensions

Nutec is an excellent choice when making home extensions and is more economical than using brick. The building time will also be less thereby allowing you to enjoy your home extensions sooner than usually anticipated when using traditional building methods and materials.

Additional building levels

Because of Nutecs light weight and versatility it is an excellent produce to use when adding levels to your home. A timber frame is constructed and then cladded with Nutec providing a weather proof, water tight building addition to your home.

Nutech New house building

Buliding new homes using timber frames cladded in Nutec has become a popular chopice for many new property developments and particularly holiday homes. Because of its versatility, speed of installation and economical benefits it is increadsingly becoming a choice for new home builds.

Nutec Garden shed

Nutec is popularly used as a replacement to the old garden shed and wendy house because of its longevity and weather resistant qualities. It can be quickly and easily installed in your garden to house all garden equipment and outdoor play and furniture.


Nutec can be installed quickly and to your specific size requirements. It makes an excellent classroom for schools needing to add venues to their school. Nutec has particularly been used in ECD classroom facilities and can be decorated to the school requirements.

Nutec house plans

All our Nutech buildings can be made for your specific needs. The houses can be designed and installed based on you, the clients specifications. The process requires plans as any other building requirements do. Contact us directly to discuss your personal needs and we can assist in the architectural design and approval of the house.

Contact us today for a free quote

Call today to speak to your local NutecSA specialist in Durban. We have agents ready to help you with a free on site quote at your home or office. We will measure and give you the best advice for your Nutec building project.

Durban including:

Durban | Durban North | Pinetown | Essenwood | Berea | Amanzimtoti | Westville | Hillcrest | Umhlanga | Kloof | Gillits | South Coast | North Coast

Frequent Asked Questions

What is Nutec?

Nutec is a type of cladding that is applied to the exterior of a structure or building. It is installed quickly and efficiently at an affordable price. Nutec is a weather-tight product that is long lasting and requires little maintenance.

Do I need plans for a Nutec build?

Building plans and approval will depend on the structure you intend to build. Contact us directly for advice and assistance on this.

How long does it take to install?

Construction and instillation is typically faster than a house built with brick. The installation time will vary depending on the size and design of the building. You could expect to wait about 3 weeks on a smaller house design and building.

Am I able to apply for a bond on a Nutec build?

Provided your building is built in accordance with the SABS standards you house will be considered for financing.

Will insurance cover a Nutec build?

Provided your bulding is in accordance with the SABS standards of approval you insurance comapny will insure your build.
NutecSA designed and installed a custom Nutec addition to our house. Not only was it an affordable solution, but it looks great and we enjoy having the extra space.