All our Nutech buildings can be made for your specific needs. The houses can be designed and installed based on you, the clients specifications. The process requires plans as any other building requirements do. Contact us directly to discuss your personal needs and we can assist in the architectural design and approval of the house.
Amanda Glen | Belhar | Bellair | Beroma | Bloemhof | Blommendal | Blomtuin | Bosbell | Boston | Chrismar | De la Haye | Door de Kraal | Eversdal Glenhaven | Greenlands | Groenvallei | Heemstede | Hoheizen | Kanonberg | Kenridge | La Rochelle | Labiance | Loevenstein | Mimosa | Oakdale | Oakglen | Oude Westhof | Protea Valley | Ridgeworth | Rosendal | Stellenberg | Stellenridge | Stellenryk | Stikland | Tygerberg HillsLoevenstein | Mimosa | Oakdale | Oakglen | Oude Westhof | Protea Valley | Ridgeworth | Rosendal | Stellenberg | Stellenridge | Stellenryk | Stikland | Tygerberg Hills.